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Summer Tea - with Pink Lemonade

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Hi Michelle, when I read your Southern Sweet Tea recipe I couldn’t help but reflect on the Summer Tea I was raised on and then raised my daughter’s on, who now also make this Tea.

Summer Tea


6-8 bags of tea
1 large gallon jug ( I used a large clear pickle jar for years until I finally got a big jar with a spout)
1 container frozen concentrate pink lemonade


Fill the jar with water 1/3 from the top and drop in the tea bags. Sit the jar in the sun until desired strength or colour. Dark tea colour doesn’t take long when the weather is hot. In the winter or when the suns not shining just sit the jar on the kitchen counter which works just fine.

Remove tea bags and add frozen lemonade. Top up the water by rinsing out the lemonade container if you have any room left.

My mother would always add 1/4 cup of sugar, but I never added any sugar when making this at my home. If it’s not sweet enough for ones taste buds, adding 1/4 cup of sugar helps.

Submitted by Lori of Ontario, Canada

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