Frances wrote...
"Hope your "new" bird family is ok. Do you know you can coat the pole of a bird feeder with petroleum jelly and the squirrels cannot get to the food? (They slide down
I brown hamburger meat & keep some in my freezer for those "busy" days. One of our fav recipes is to use a baking dish & put the browned hamburger meat in the bottom, open & drain off the juice of string beans & put on top of the meat, slice some white potatoes & spread on top, open a can of cream of chicken soup & spread on top then season & cover. Cooks in 20 minutes in the microwave or one hour in the oven at 350. Enjoy :o)"
Thank you Frances! Our birds have left the little bird house and are hopefully safe off in place away from squirrels now! I miss seeing them fly in and out of their house every day but am glad that they were able to be with us for a while. They were so precious. How can spring come and go SO FAST?!!!